tanboblog Foods, Lifestyle, Wanderlust, Budget travel.


Lockdowns and quarantine While most of the world are shutting down and people mostly stay outdoors, here in Japan is the opposite. Life is near normal to support the economy. There are no military orders and most people go to their jobs and children go to schools. Big events are cancelled. But life should not always be work and work. We have to relax and play as well and the most common hobby to enjoy and be happy during this pandemic is travelling. Domestic travel boom Japanese people are accustomed to travelling internationally. Japanese passport ranks no.1 of the world so those who are travelling for leisure could feel the boredom of just staying at home or at their local…


Things to do in michi no eki Motegi   Michi no eki Motegi is not just a simple farmers market and road station. This place is like an attraction for both locals and visitors. This road station is conveniently located before the main town of Motegi and it is also the pathway of the famous Steam Locomotive of Moka railway. Not only a place for shopping for vegetables and dining but it has an entertainment area with an interesting stage and a children's park. Many events were held in this place before the pandemic such as concerts, fireworks display, and musicals. A simple stroll, picnic, and eating out is recommended here, and last but not the least, taking pictures of…


Mt. Amamaki in Mashiko town If you want to experience nature outside the bustling city of Tokyo, there are nearby towns which are accessible by car or train around 2 hours or more. One of the towns I recommend is Mashiko where I live. It is a sleepy town famous for its ceramic potteries and fashionable cafes and not only that, you can explore nature by hiking the mountains and hills nearby. One of those attractions is Mt. Amamaki, with an altitude of 533 meters above the sea. It is a moderate hiking trail patronized by both professional and beginner hikers. Acsending and exploring around There are a lot of options to climb and for beginners, I suggest to follow…


道の駅 市貝 サシバの里 ここはサシバの生息地域です。生息密度が日本一で、4月頃から稲刈りが終わる頃までワシントン条約Ⅱ類に指定されたサシバを見られる。でも私はまだ見ていません。市貝町(いちかい町)にはサシバを見ることが出来る谷津田と言われる地域が多い。(ゆるやかな谷地形の面に作られた水田地域を谷津田と言う。) 農産物の直売所 農産物の直売所では四季おりおりの新鮮な野菜果物を手に入れられる。夕方には品物もあまり無い状態状態です。

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